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  • Deleting accidental or dangerous emails in Google Workspace

    As Google Workspace admins, sometimes, we are asked to delete emails from other users accounts when the messages are sent in error or contain malware/phishing/etc. This is not something we do lightly and should only be done in the most extreme cases. If the message went outside your Google Workspace domain, there is almost nothing…

  • My process to programming with Blackbaud Sky API (and really any API)

    In preparing for the panel session “APIs and the Art of the Possible” for the 2024 ATLIS Conference, I spent some time thinking about my process for developing solutions using APIs. I have recently been working on something to send gift acknowledgment letters via Google based on data in Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge and thought it…

  • Using Google Apps Scripts to distribute files to users

    While it is easiest to use Google Classroom or your LMS to distribute files to users, sometimes I need to handle it myself via Apps Script as part of a larger solution. The challenge: I have a folder full of PDFs that I generated for each student. I’d need to place these unique files in…