Category: BlackbaudK12

  • My process to programming with Blackbaud Sky API (and really any API)

    In preparing for the panel session “APIs and the Art of the Possible” for the 2024 ATLIS Conference, I spent some time thinking about my process for developing solutions using APIs. I have recently been working on something to send gift acknowledgment letters via Google based on data in Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge and thought it…

  • Using Microsoft PowerBI with the Blackbaud API

    At the recent Blackbaud K-12 Conference, I spent some time with Grahm Getty who did a presentation on using PowerBI with the Blackbaud ON products.  The ability to visualize your data is really powerful and can be used to find insights and problems in your data.  Grahm and I spent some time figuring out how…

  • Photo Directory Example

    Let’s look at a more complicated example of using the Blackbaud K12 API with the “ON” products. Recently, I had to develop a photo directory, with pictures of faculty/staff and some information (job title, room number, phone number, e-mail, etc.) about them.  There isn’t a built-in report in the Blackbaud products for this, nor is…

  • Using PHP with the Blackbaud K12 API

    In an earlier post, I showed how to use the Blackbaud K12 API interface for their “ON” products using PowerShell. Now, I’ll show you how to use PHP to do the same thing. I use PHP for all of my web applications. There are a lot of ways to access a REST based API using…

  • Leveraging Open Application Programming Interface (API) in the “ON” Products #BBK12UC Presentation

    Thanks to everyone who attended Julian’s and my presentation on that API at the Blackbaud K12 User Conference. As I mentioned at the end of the session, I think we will be “Better Together” if as users of the API we work together, collaborate and share how we are using the API. Several people have…

  • Blackbaud K12 “ON” API

    On Thursday, I’m co-presenting at the Blackbaud K12 User Conference on using their API. Simply put, an API (Application Programing Interface) is a way for code to interact with something—in this case the website my school uses. One does not need particularly advanced knowledge of how to code in order to write useful solutions. Recently, I…